SSA 27 Needs Your Help
Special Service Area 27
Addresses within SSA 27 Boundaries:
Southport: 3150 to 3880 (Byron to Belmont)
Lincoln: 2800 to 3599 (Addison to Diversey)
Ashland: 2800 to 3599 (Addison to Diversey)
Belmont: 1200 to 1799 (Racine to Ravenswood)
SSA 27 Services for West Lakeview Include:
Litter Abatement
Holiday Decorations
Streetscape Furniture
Community Events (ex. Community Tree Lighting)
Neighborhood Promotion
Public Art
Placemaking Initiatives
and More!
Community meetings
As part of the Reconstitution process, we will hold two public community meetings to educate residents about SSA 27 and the Reconstitution process.
Please stay tuned for Dates and Locations for these community meetings.
Special Service Area (SSA) 27 works to make Lakeview a neighborhood where people wish to live, linger and long to return. SSAs are a funding mechanism to raise money for services to a designated mixed-use area through a property tax levy in order to supplement City services. The Lakeview Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce is the Sole Service Provider for SSA 27, which was established in December 2003. It manages SSA-funded programs under the oversight of the SSA 27 Board of Commissioners. For more information about SSAs, please visit the City of Chicago's website.
SSA 27's 15 year term ends 12/31/2025. To be able to continue providing essential services to West Lakeview, the SSA must go through a renewal process entitled Reconstitution, and we need your help.
How to help
To complete the Reconstitution process, the SSA is required to collect signatures representing 20% of all Property Index Numbers (PINs) within SSA 27 boundaries. If you own property within SSA 27, please email robert@lrvcc.org to inquire on how to sign for your PIN.
Is there any catch?
No. SSA 27 is committed to making a SSA 27 a better place to work, live, and play, alongside raising property values for owners.
Reconstitution is the only time within a 15 year period where the SSA may opt to adjust their maximum tax rate cap. SSA 27 maintains one of the lowest tax rate caps among SSAs in the City of Chicago, and have voted to maintain that low tax rate cap without alteration. With this decision, SSA 27 is committed to keeping West Lakeview thriving and growing while maintaining a low impact to your tax bill.
Supporting Documentation
SSA 27 Signature Support Form (To be added soon)